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Alexander P.g. LOCKWOOD
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ALEXANDER P.G. LOCKWOOD The extremely proud parents of Alexander P.G. Lockwood, commend their son on his well-deserved success of attaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering and becoming Registered Scientist under the Institute of Chemical Engineers. Alexander attended St Edwards Primary School, Trinity Catholic College and Macmillan Academy in Middlesbrough. He then pursued his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Leeds, won international awards and published in several Scientific Journals during his pursuit of his PhD. He is working in industry and continuing to push the boundaries of his field in his research. Thank you to all those who contributed towards his education. Proud parents, Geoffrey and Sharon Lockwood
Viewed by: 8558 visitors. Uploaded: 2 years ago
Published in: Evening Gazette Middlesbrough.
Published from: April 05, 2022.
Region: National
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